Advancing Holocaust education at institutions of higher learning around the world.

HEFNU's mission is to advance Holocaust education at institutions of higher learning around the world. To achieve this mission, HEFNU aims to develop professors qualified to teach Holocaust courses, grow the number of colleges and universities that offer Holocaust courses, and thereby increase the number of students who study the Holocaust.
Virtual Speakers Bureau: Invite an Expert!
Connect with over 70 distinguished Holocaust scholars from an array of disciplines, who will prepare a tailor-made virtual lecture or classroom session in their area of expertise.
Institutes on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization
Learn more about our Summer Institute and Regional Institutes.

Lessons & Legacies Conferences
Learn more about HEFNU's North America, Europe, and Emerging Scholars conferences.

Volume IV in the Lessons and Legacies Series, Lessons and Legacies XV: The Holocaust; Global Perspectives, National Narratives, Local Contexts (2024), edited by Erin McGlothlin (Washington University in St. Louis) and Avinoam Patt (NYU), is available from Northwestern University Press.

Read our Winter 2025 Newsletter, featuring Yael Siman, Peter Hayes, Danijel Matijevic, and Sharon Zelnick
Upcoming Events
Online Roundtable Discussion: "Postmemorial Constellations in Soc...
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM, Online
Postmemorial Constellations in Socialist and Postsocialist Holocaust Literature April 3rd, 12-1:30pm (EST) Featuring: McKenna Marko, P...