Holocaust Studies Institutes
The Fellows of the 2017 Summer Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization with HEF Founder Theodore Zev Weiss and HEFNU Director Sarah Cushman on Northwestern’s Evanston campus.
For the past two decades the Foundation has hosted the annual Summer Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization at Northwestern University. The Institute is designed to enrich the knowledge and enhance the teaching skills of current and prospective college and university faculty. Professors and graduate students whose research or teaching focuses on topics related to the Holocaust are encouraged to apply to become Summer Institute Fellows.
The Holocaust Educational Foundation is also pleased to co-sponsor a biennial London Summer Institute modeled on the successful Northwestern program. The European Summer Institute is organized by Royal Holloway, University of London with the support of the Pears Foundation.
HEFNU offers Regional Institutes in order to develop regional networks of Holocaust scholars and teachers. Each intensive seminar brings together experts on Holocaust-related topics with professors who teach or want to teach a Holocaust course on that topic. In addition to deep and focused discussion, attendees have the opportunity to learn from and engage with each other, and to build support for Holocaust education locally.