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In partnership with host universities, the Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University (HEFNU) organizes and sponsors the Lessons & Legacies of the Holocaust Conference (L&L). L&L is the premier intellectual gathering in Holocaust Studies. Since 1989 it has offered scholars the opportunity to present their latest work and interact with colleagues in the interdisciplinary field of Holocaust studies. HEFNU hosts L&L biennially in North America, and every four years in Europe in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History-Munich, and the German Federal Agency for Civic Education.

Please note that constraints of budget and venues may limit the number of participants admitted to the conference as well as the attendance of non-presenters at the Conference. We may not be able to accommodate all who want to attend.

For information on upcoming and past conferences, please visit: 

Lessons & Legacies Conference

Lessons & Legacies Emerging Scholars

Lessons & Legacies Europe

Past Conferences