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HEFNU Principles

The Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University (HEFNU) values scholarly excellence and open discourse in the multi- and inter-disciplinary field of Holocaust Studies, including: critical inquiry, academic integrity, intellectual honesty, and a commitment to learning and respectful debate.

The success of HEFNU programs relies on cooperation and collaboration with institutions and individuals around the world. HEFNU considers excellence and integrity in choosing institutions and individuals with which to cooperate. HEFNU values academic and intellectual freedom with regard to teaching and research.  HEFNU encourages diverse views and supports the right of those associated in any way with HEFNU (Staff, Academic Council, Advisory Board, Conference participant, Institute Fellow, Grant recipient, etc.) to articulate beliefs and positions without fear of retribution or censure. Beliefs and positions expressed by those associated with HEFNU are their own and do not reflect the beliefs and positions of HEFNU, which is a non-partisan organization.  Furthermore, HEFNU presumes that those associated with HEFNU, particularly when working on HEFNU business, will interact with each other and those outside the HEFNU community, with honesty, integrity, and respect.

HEFNU values diversity in the field of Holocaust Studies and is committed to eliminating barriers based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, ability, and employment status.

HEFNU promotes the right of all who participate in our programs to do so in safety. HEFNU prohibits misconduct and harassment and follows the Misconduct and Harassment Policies of Northwestern University. We expect all who participate in our programs to be familiar with these policies and to conform to their standards.